About jadest97

 See my Member Profile

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
not right now
Schools attended:
sorry, no luck there either
I like:
scary movies, walking, talking, writing, kids, and I'll try anything, well almost, once
Favorite writers:
While I am no into the knowings of the writers I like true stories
Favorite books:
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Favorite newspapers:
Locals always like to stay briefed on the who, what, when and where
Favorite magazines:
Don't really have the time to get into the magazines too
Favorite music:
I listen to a little of everything and none of the hard core rock. Can't get into the whole screaming thing.
Favorite movies:
Scary movies that have a since of reality in them
Favorite TV shows:
Doc. House and Law and Order
Favorite teams:
Colts, only b/c my son got me into them
Favorite quote:
The only limations that you have are the ones you put on yourself