About foreverdarknight

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Hmmm about me......I like to write and read alot, you could say i'm a book worm on the net. I like to tell my stories of how life just doesn't add up and yes I will tell of those stories that I've heard in my travels as a "Customer Service Rep" and yes the answer to alls question? "No customers are NOT always right!" and if they were than everything in this world would be free...free.....and free.....and no Iam not an angered employee Iam just an observent person that really does care about customer service and do help the helpless people in this world, to grab onto some knowledge that I still bear in my mind.....I do love comments so if there is one please be more than happy to say whatever.......I do also want to finally finish my own book and be published like a few I have started several ideas but could never have the guts to finish I believe Iam really afraid of rejection but hey what can I say "I will tread on and I will finally put one idea to work at one time! (sooner or later)

"Enjoy today for tomorrow is not promised"

"Later is sooner than you think"


Oh yea for all to know Iam a female and my nick name applies to a couple of sci-fi shows I like to watch... yes Iam a sci-fi freak but romance in my heart always....Till next time .......ciao.......Helen