About faranya

 See my Member Profile

I'm Canadian, from Nova Scotia. I've been teaching senior high English and Drama for what seems like a century, but I'll be taking early retirement to work on some writing projects and care for my elderly mother, who's very ill.

My poetry is published on a couple of sites, and frequently submitted for competition. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose; it's all part of the plan. I do have an actual "print" publisher who's hoping to put out a collection of my work, but the wheels turn slowly. Meanwhile, I write stage plays for teenagers, collect fossils, dig around in my garden, look after a herd of cats and dogs, and generally enjoy being out in the back woods where the skies are bright and the deer walk across my yard.

I own a small stable with Appaloosa and Arabian horses, so I'll be also writing about equine matters. My experience with horses goes back 41 years (yeah, I'm a fossil, too).

You may find that my comments are longer than most, and that if I'm responding to poetry, I'll critique it to some degree. I just can't help it! I try to develop young writers in my everyday life, and offer literary criticism to adults on a couple of big poetry sites, so the instinct is very strong. On the flip side, I don't like to critique anything that fails to interest me, so if I've offered some suggestions on your own writing, it means I like what I see.


