About exoticname

 See my Member Profile

I'm an aspiring writer which means I'm in the process of finding ways to earn some money from writing. I love to write stories and poetry but I thought that subscribing to BN would be an interesting and perhaps educational experience.

I enjoy reading, writng (of course!), thinking about strange things, asking strange questions, contemplating my life, dancing, singing and being silly (sometimes - don't want people to get too sick of me - but why do I care really?)

Anyway, enough rambling. Did you learn anything about me at all from this?

Oh well.
United Kingdom
Dream occupation:
Paid Writer/Author
Favorite writers:
Maya Angelou, George R R Martin, Robin Hobb, Juliette Marillier
Favorite books:
A Woman of Substance
Favorite music:
RnB, Soul, Soca