About dhruvfoster

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Telling about myself has always been a problem for me. I am always afraid that I am too boastful or I am too shy. I have a fear that I am either saying too much or saying too little...

Of late I have gathered some wisdom. I let people judge for themselves. My work is a mirror of my complexities and I leave it to my readers to decipher and understand...

So I write...I write romance, philosophy, psychology, travelogues, poetry and anything else that I can write. I have written a novel, a romance fiction with a philosophical setting. (Or one can say vice versa)...Writing another one, a psychology fiction...

Primary occupation:
Information Technology Consultant
Dream occupation:
Full time writer
I like:
travelling, writing, music,...and on the top of the list is lazing around!!
Favorite writers:
Richard Bach, Arthur Haley, Ayn Rand, Shakespeare,
Favorite books:
All of them...
Favorite music:
Indian Classical, Western light
Favorite movies:
Titanic, Schindler's List, One flew over the Cuckoo's nest.
Favorite TV shows:
Dont watch much
Favorite quote:
When you want something desperately enough, the entire universe conspires with you to get it for you.