About browneyedgirl

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At the time I'm writing this, I'm 29 and living in The Lone Star State.  I was born and raised in Texas and don't plan on venturing away from it anytime soon.  I'm divorced and currently living with my boyfriend.  I have no kids as of yet, but really hope to one day.  I own a home decor and gift shop and love what I do.  It had always been my dream to be in this line of work and opportunity finally knocked on my door.  I've had my shop for 3 years now.  I read, constantly, and shop entirely too much.  Both of which aggravate my boyfriend to no end.  I'm also addicted to the internet.  Whatever did people do before this nifty little thing called the world wide web came along?  Thanks to it, I've discovered the BN and have a feeling I'll spend entirely too much time here!
United States
Primary occupation:
Gift Shop Owner
Dream occupation:
I have my dream occupation!
Little town in Texas
I like:
comedies, eating out, reading, shopping, spending time with my family, road trips, surfing the web, and sex (well, I do....)
Favorite magazines:
US Weekly (I'm a celebrity gossip whore)
Favorite music:
Country and Top 40
Favorite movies:
Silence of the Lambs, Jerry McGuire
Favorite TV shows:
I'm hooked on reality shows.