About blair_grattan

 See my Member Profile

I was born at some distant past in an unremarkable place. I have been here and there; have done this and done that. I have met so and so. I can do this and that; made do with what life has panned out. I write for my breakfast, speak for my lunch, and generally just think for my dinner. I live in easy comfort, not minding too much about the Joneses across the street.

I am happy and content. I have reconciled myself to being alone, though far from lonely. I blog for venting, mainly. My silence is not snobbishness; more like silent introspection. I keep my ears to the ground and my eyes to the heavens. If I am remiss in interchange ( or virtual intercourse, if there is such a thing), blame it on the stupid bomber who deprived me of my upper limbs.   

Primary occupation:
Philosopher, historian, chef
Dream occupation:
Schools attended:
Sweat shops,Hard Knocks, Ivy Leagues,
I like:
agreeable people, great personages, fantastic events, wondrous places, ideas that boggle the mind, perfect legs
Favorite writers:
No favourites. Can't say I prefer Tolstoy to Dostoyevski or Hemingway to Scott-Fitzgerald or Faulkner or T.S. Eliot to Allan Poe...inane question, anyway...
Favorite books:
My bank book, my telephone address book,
Favorite newspapers:
NYT, WSJ, FT, SMH, The Age, Guardian,
Favorite magazines:
Time, Fortune, Forbes, Businessweek
Favorite music:
classics, blues, jazz, pop, country,
Favorite movies:
No favourites. I am a film buff.
Favorite TV shows:
I don't watch TV.
Favorite teams:
Arsenal, Hawks, Red Sox, Real Madrid, AllBlacks,
Favorite quote:
Nemo me impune laccesit