About allicat275

 See my Member Profile

Picture of allicat275

I like cuddling while watching a movie, I like screaming my lungs out at a penn state game, and I like talking about heaven. 

I dislike being told what to do or how to think, I dislike extremely loud people, and I dislike spiders. 

I have wonderful friends and family, I have uncontrolable curly hair, and I have a feeling that you could be my next friend. 

I don't have a car because I wrecked it, I don't have patience with bratty children and their parents, and I don't have anything else to say about me...

...so leave me a comment on my blog. I'd love to meet you. 

United States
Primary occupation:
student/research assistant
Dream occupation:
movie writer and mommy
Schools attended:
I'm in college right now.
I like:
Favorite writers:
Madeline L'Engle, M. Night, Jewel
Favorite books:
the Bible, Brave New World, Ethan Frome, 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Many Waters, Heart of a Champion
Favorite newspapers:
the local paper - I like to know what's going on in my own community
Favorite magazines:
Writer's Digest, Cosmopolitan
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
My Girl, Signs, The Italian Job, Ocean's 11, Finding Nemo, Fear, Eurotrip, Gothica, Conspiracy Theory, Chicago, Van Wilder
Favorite TV shows:
The 4400, Trading Spaces, The Amazing Race
Favorite quote:
If you're robbing a bank and your pants fall down, it's Ok to laugh and let the hostages laugh too, because hey, life is funny.