About WSChan

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Often in my life people and the world around me told me that I was wrong or selfish in this or that. They insisted that certain category of things were correct, stylish, good or beautiful without giving anything like a sound reasoning. As I began to lose more of my conditioned learning and put more trust on my feeling, senses and reasoning of my mind that is actually empty of illusions and phantasies; I gradually find out with good reasoning and experience that I had not been wrong or selfish in those accused cases. And many things established as correct or good are actually wrong and absurd; things said to be beautiful can be like garbage or worth nothing more than a child's play. The vice versa is also true.

The truth manifests when we return to our original mind that reveals after a purification journey. I am sharing here my findings and conclusions reached after about twenty years of personal meditation and study among the huge maze of opposing theories and practices for the truth.   

Hong Kong
Primary occupation:
Researcher at University
Dream occupation:
Meditation Teacher, Writer
Schools attended:
Michigan State University