About Titleist

 See my Member Profile

United States
Primary occupation:
Corporate Whore
Dream occupation:
Pro Golfer
Hoboken, NJ
Schools attended:
Purdue, Georgia Tech, Yale
I like:
Watching society accept unwanted mental programming via media and television
Favorite writers:
Jackie Collins, E. George, Kurt Vonnegut, & Mark Twain
Favorite books:
Who Moved My Cheese, One Minute Manager, & What To Do When Everything You Believed Blows Up In Your Face And Makes You Look Foolish
Favorite newspapers:
One that's not written
Favorite magazines:
Horseshit & Backwash
Favorite music:
Bluegrass, Soggy Bottom Boys
Favorite movies:
Wall Street, True Lies, Dude, Where's My Car?
Favorite TV shows:
Beverly Hillbillies, Matlock, & Poriot.
Favorite teams:
What...sports??? Are you kidding?
Favorite quote:
Never miss an opportunity to keep your fucking mouth shut!