About TerriA

 See my Member Profile

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you will leave a comment, as I enjoy the judgement of others about my writing good or bad.  Although I do not write for anyone but myself, it does help me understand what it is that excites, bothers, enriches or sparks intrigue in others.  Please excuse the grammatical errors if you will, the goal for me is content... I know nothing about editing lol...  I strive to improve myself with every word and welcome suggestions.  

I have enjoyed the art of writing for a good part of my life and am currently working on a novel of fiction and seek any kind of advice from others.  I find blogging sparks the flames igniting the creative and idealistic aspects of my mind and am very happy to have found this space for the expression of my words.  It's like getting a good cup of coffee in the morning that will jump start my day.

Out in the world of  life, I am in working and living on Cape Cod selling real estate and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere around me, rich with inspiration and peace... dancing on the furthest star in my mind... I can possibly find.

"The world to me has been like wandering around 10,000 carnivals with big lines at the ferris wheel.... all I wanted to do was see the stars from way up high.... then one day I found an empty seat."  
© TerriA 2006

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Cape Cod
Schools attended:
I like:
Favorite writers:
Nicholas Evans, Dostoevsky, George Gorden, Queen Noor, Malcolm Muggeridge and very strange bloggers.
Favorite books:
To many to name.
Favorite newspapers:
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
To Many
Favorite TV shows:
Boston Legal
Favorite teams:
Who care's.
Favorite quote:
"Get A Life."
My Own.