About Swtly_Ironic

 See my Member Profile

I'm in my twenties and have already become a work-a-holic, which is a dificult thing to manage in South Dakota. I have two cats and a small apartment. I have two poems published as well as a short story and am currently working on my first novel. Some day I plan to visit Greece, Germany, and England to see the places my mother talks about. I particularly want to visit Cambridgeshire England-that's where my parents were married (that is my favorite love story.)
United States
Primary occupation:
Customer Service
Dream occupation:
Biloxi, MS
Favorite writers:
James Patterson and J.D. Robb
Favorite books:
Lightning by Dean Koontz
Favorite quote:
Genius has its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped
Interested in Wicca