About SorrentaFord

 See my Member Profile

United States
Primary occupation:
People Pleaser
Dream occupation:
Pleased by People
Cross-Cultural Americana
Schools attended:
I like:
fresh cut grass;billowy clouds;peace; good wine;south american sounds, sights, smells and surf; horseback riding; sweet sweaty summer sex; my space, literally. Working out in the zone.
Favorite writers:
Henry Thoureau, Steven King, Anne Rice. Writers are like artists: I can appreciate creativity and opinions, but that does not mean I agree or want it in my home.
Favorite books:
On Waldon's Pond, Emotional Intelligence, In The Company Of The Courtesan (current read), and anything pertaining to Metaphysics, Psychic Phenomenon, the Talamasca, Quantum Theory, and the Dalai Lama.
Favorite newspapers:
NYTimes Crossword on any given day. The news is all the same, just sliced in different ways.
Favorite magazines:
The Robb Report,Rolling Stone,National Enquirer, High Times(and I once took it seriously?) Esquire, Conde Nast, Archtectural Digest, Vogue, PlayBoy-for the articles. Really.
Favorite music:
Rock. REAL ROCK. Jazz. Classical. Southern Rock. Country Rock. Anything Rock. But I appreciate an entertaining opera, too.
Favorite movies:
Grey Gardens, Stevie, March of the Penguins, any American doc or wildlife doc. The way life life REALLY is. No Hollywood crap. Had enough of that growing up.
Favorite TV shows:
None, I think it's mostly mindless or opinionated crap and a waste of time. Whatever did one do with free time pre-boob tube? But that's just my opinion.
Favorite teams:
Favorite quote:
"I restore myself when I'm alone." Marilyn Monroe.
Do NOT Push or Shove