About Shirmarnel

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Picture of Shirmarnel

Well I guess I should start off by saying something about myself. I am the average housewife. My day consist of cooking, cleaning, washing, writing, reading, teaching, yelling, and  the occasional video game. I am somewhat wild, but still very grounded. My main goal is to get back in school with my husband and continue to study Journalism , along with Game Design. My second goal is to finish the book that I have been working on. And my third goal is to "improve" more on myself for my family.

I'm an all around nice person who is honest and always has an open view to all opinion. I hope that you viewers find some appriciation for my work and if you have a different view about something I wrote please let me know.

To the new Blogit members...., WELCOME and I can't wait to read what you have to say.

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Alabama and everywhere else. (I moved a lot.)
Schools attended:
A lot
I like:
Cooking, writing, gaming, spending time w/ mu hubby and boys, reading; and cool, honest, open minded people.
Favorite writers:
Stephen King
Favorite books:
Martin the Warrior, The African American Book of Values, and The BFG
Favorite newspapers:
Don't really have one
Favorite magazines:
National Geographic
Favorite music:
Rock, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Jazz, and Classical
Favorite movies:
Little Shop of Horror and Resident Evil
Favorite TV shows:
House, CSI, Cheat, Avitar, & Boondocks
Favorite teams:
Philly 76ers. Woohoo Go Iverson!!!!!
Favorite quote:
"Why wait until tomorrow when you can do it today?"... Mom