About SaladJelly

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Well howdy-doody boys and girls.

So, this is my blog. I'll be talking about stuff that happens to me, or stuff that I find highly amusing about the rest of the world. Such merriment and frivolity. Hang on, let's liven this place up a bit.


Sorry about that, not sure quite what came over me there. Anyway, my name's James, I'm 19, I'm a maths student in Exeter in the UK, and I have a couple of websites of my own - one of which is quite a fun online multiplayer strategy game, called Battlefield Rome - which you can try for free at http://www.battlefieldrome.com - and the other full of general scribblings rather similar to this, which I won't mention - you'll have to make do with what you find here, for now. I'm told it's even quite funny, on occasion. So maybe I'll even write something worth reading in here from time to time. Let's find out.