About RoseDempsey

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Hi, I'm Rose. 

51, grandmother of  9, wannabe poet and write, overweight, married 21 years. 

Hmmm, what else? Very opinionated.  Strong believer in early childhood education, self-sufficiency, self-responsibility. Have a backyard barnyard of goats, chickens, guinea fowl, plus 2 dogs and numerous cats, all rescues and all  SPAYED/NEUTERED. Strong believer in that too. Used to foster but it got too much so now a friend and I rescue/vet/rehome on our own.

Suffer from osteoporosis, sciatica and have been told I need hip/knee replacement. Allergic to general anaesthetic so that's out of the question.

Have a wierd and whacky outlook on life ... I always say you can't grow up on Monty Python, Benny Hill and the other funnies form english tv in the 60's and 70's, and expect to be (in ANY way) normal. 

Jeff Foxworthy would love me, some of my life stories definitely fit in with his redenck philosophies.

I love my life, and am always counting my blessings.  I'm hoping BlogIt will enable me to earn an income and not have to try to go back out into the office working environment.  My health makes it difficult for me to guarantee being able to stand some days, let alone get showered, drive and then work a  full shift someplace. But you know what?  I look around and can see there are millions of people worse off than me.  I just have to make my life fit my abilities, and I do.

United States
London, England
Church of England