About PaulaQ

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Picture of PaulaQ

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Boca Raton
I like:
most people ( just not my ex-husband at the moment : )
Favorite writers:
Ernest Hemingway,Sylvia Plath,Dorothy Parker,Virginia Wolfe,Anne Lamott,Connie May Fowler,Alice Hoffman, Janet Evanovich, Pat Conroy,etc.
Favorite books:
The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea,The Bell Jar,Traveling Mercies,River of Hidden Dreams,my grandmothers' scrapbooks,The Water is Wide, The Great Santini.
Favorite newspapers:
USA Today<---love their crossword the mostest.
Favorite magazines:
Anything written for the single mom and the challenges she faces everyday....There's not one you say? Hmmmmm....
Favorite music:
too much to list;too little time. I love it all.
Favorite movies:
Philadelphia Story,Rear Window,The Breakfast Club,Braveheart,The English Patient, the list goes on and on.
Favorite TV shows:
Arrested Development,Seinfeld,CSI,Scrubs.
Favorite teams:
shhhh...I'm sleeping.
Favorite quote:
"Isn't it pretty to think so" Ernest Hemingway
spiritual loner