About M.W.Grace

 See my Member Profile

United States
Primary occupation:
Un/Self Employed
Dream occupation:
Somwhere in Michigan
Schools attended:
Elementary, Middle, High, Adult Ed., Comm College, University.
I like:
Independence, do-it-yourself projects, food I know isn't good for me.
Favorite writers:
Authors of the Bible, George Orwell.
Favorite books:
Non-Fiction, how-to books, books on writing.
Favorite newspapers:
Hard to come by these days.
Favorite magazines:
Not a subscriber.
Favorite music:
A pretty wide variety. Lately, music from the "Indy" music player.
Favorite movies:
Cool Hand Luke, Glory, The Princess Bride, The Blues Brothers, Batman Begins, Finding Forrester, The Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix, Unforgiven, The Elephant Man, Groundhog Day, The Thin Red Line...
Favorite TV shows:
Heroes, The Simpsons, Pretty much any documentary or well done investigative journalism.
Favorite teams:
The Detroit Red Wings.
Favorite quote:
"Et tu, Brute?"