About Lynnnn

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Well I guess I'll start with my age which is 52. I am a mom of four grown children. I love to read, write and dream! I am going to be married 32 years in October to my high school sweetheart. I must admit I am very happy and in love. A feeling of contentment and peace has come over me this year. I am where I should be!

By chance I finally found a way of eating that is healthy and helped me to loose 25 pounds. For the first time in my life I am being constantly told how great I look. I figured out it is because of a combination of changes I have made. One being I grew my hair down to my shoulders. Where before I had very short hair-above my ears. I also colored and highlighted my hair. I lost weight by accident. The biggest change of course is that I am extremely happy. I want for nothing. I need nothing!

Besides my children and my husband I love my Bichon Frise called Leo. He will be 13 years in September and I may have given birth to him, that is how close we are. I look forward to writing with you all.