About Laughlines

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Laughlines ...well, what can I say about myself?  I've been putting off this whole "about me" exercise for a while. Because... well... I was taught growing up that people who "go on and on" about themselves are absolute bores -- and I agree. Narcissism - in any form -- is one of my "hot buttons." The thing is, having said that, I think I'm taking my sensibility about it all just a little too far in applying it to this particular forum.  I mean...so I jot down a few lines about myself here.  BIG WHOOP,right?  It's not like I'm cornering you at some dinner party and telling you my whole life story and every ailment I've ever had and what the doctor said back and "ohhhhhh my aching back," and -- OH!OH!OH! I just realized -- good, I'm glad you're here, let me get your opinion, I think that I look really HOT in this pink lipstick but what do YOU think, should I keep going with the fabulous hair style I have now or should I cut it and let it play off my gorgeous big brown eyes and long eyelashes, because you know every man who's ever dated me said that my eyes, my supernaturally long eyelashes, and-- oh yes -- my SMILE, let's not forget my incredibe smile -- were the things that just reeled them in and -- hey wait a minute, where ya goin'....hey....HEY......YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION.....KEEP MY SEXY LONG LOCKS OR. ...........well, gooooood grief.....people are so rude.  She just walked away from me in mid-sentence and look at her, just look at her now, getting that old lady over there a coke...what a brown noser!  

United States
Primary occupation:
writer/homemaker/mom-to-be (we're adopting!!!) :]
Dream occupation:
Broadway Playwright
Off Off Off Off Broadway
I like:
my one-in-a-million husband Steve. After 10 years of marriage, we love each other more than the day we married. And even more with every passing year.
Favorite writers:
Shakespeare, C. S. Lewis, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, George Kaufman, Woody Allen, Neil Simon........
Favorite books:
What, no plays? I refuse to answer this category!
Favorite newspapers:
Since blogging, who has time? Actually never read'm anyway.
Favorite magazines:
Interior design mags, and every now and then -- for deep therapy -- a good ole Archie comic book : )
Favorite music:
Broadway show tunes, Gershwin, Cole Porter, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Grover Washington, Jr., Sinatra, The Three Tenors
Favorite movies:
The Goodbye Girl, any Doris Day movie, any Alfred Hitchcock movie, the 1940s romances, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Patch of Blue, Jerry McGuire, Dances With Wolves
Favorite TV shows:
Nothing will EVER top The Andy Griffith Show for sheer comedic writing (Barney Fife? -uh!! brilliant!) "Neeeeta-wah-a-a-neeeetaaa".... Barn singin' to the waitress over the phone, remember that one?
Favorite quote:
"Am I as adorable as I think I am?" Richard Dreyfuss to Marsha Mason in Neil Simon's The Goodbye Girl