About Kevin

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I have been writing for some twenty years...but only recently began getting involved in the community as a writer.  I have been published both on-line and in newspapers and print journals. I recently had a piece published in the Globe And Mail.  I also won 1st prize in a recent Poetry contest.  Over the course of this summer I have organized 2 Writers In The Park Events where writers will gather together, en masse, and delve into the magic of on-the-spot writing.  35 writers in an open air park writing madly together and exploring the fascinating craft of writing.  My goal is to find those writers who are too shy to participate in active writing and writing groups...and drag them into the inner circle to show them that writing is a wonderful experience, no matter what level of acheivement they are at in their craft.  So far, I have found those 70 writers in my community.  We will see how the Park events go...that pretty much explains where I am at right now!