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   I am an artist trapped in the body of a construction worker. Help! Let me out! Actually, i don't really have a problem with this dichotomy. The world is only too eager to classify you according to the obvious aspects of your character. If you keep parts of yourself concealed, you enable yourself to retain components of your character for yourself, or for people in your life who actually mean something to you.

   My background is the visual arts, and i have done many things with the training i received as an artist. I do work for a construction company, and have done for the past ten years. However, i actually like it, or i would have left long before now. It is true though, that i feel an increasing need to write creatively these days.

Primary occupation:
Excavation Grade Checker
Dream occupation:
Blairmore Alberta
Schools attended:
Alberta College of Art
I like:
much too general
Favorite writers:
Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, Carol Shields, John Irving, JRR Tolkein, CS Lewis, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri, Joyce Carole Oates, John Updike etc.
Favorite books:
Too many to mention...
Favorite newspapers:
New York Times, Vancouver Sun, etc.
Favorite magazines:
The New Yorker, the Walrus, Adbusters, etc.
Favorite music:
The Pogues, Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Holly Mcnarland, Audioslave, Bjork, The Moody Blues, Nirvana, The Cheiftans, Allison Krauss, Temple of the Dog, on and on and on....
Favorite movies:
Tunes of Glory, Dead Poets Society, The Life Aquatic, American Beauty, Walkabout, The Magdalene Sisters, Gosford Park, Dancing at Lughnasa, Howard's End, Remains of the Day, The Thin Red Line, etc.
Favorite TV shows:
try not to watch too much TV as it will rot your brain and turn it into mush.
Favorite teams:
Calgary Flames, New York Yankees, Duke University men's basketball
Favorite quote:
Carpe Diem
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