About Homeo-nut.com

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I'm known as homeo-nut.com. 

I adopted this label for my Blog because 25 years ago I was cured of 'shingles', by this "holistic" non-toxic medical therapy...just three days after leaving my doctor's office with a prescription for coedine and an admonition to "tough it out" as there was nothing further he could do for me.  

Deeper research into this 200-year-old therapy led to the discovery that it actually holds out the solution for many of today's health problems; for homeopathy can actually CURE many, if not all of the very diseases for  which today's drug cartels desperately search for a "mgic" pill to treat!

Gaining this information really set me off!   My effort has resulted in a book "Catching Good Health With Homeopathic Medicine" (forward by Queen Elizabeth's personal physician), a booklet, "Homeopathic First Aid For Sports Injuries" and, a Movie Script, "First Do No Harm", the story of two doctors with apposing views..  The script is in Australia, being read, as we speak.

I am 86 yrs. of age, a retired sales vice president (24 yrs.), have 3 kids, the youngest being 58; six  grandchildren and 2 ggc.

My wife and I are in good health, work out 3 days a week, and life, along with my Blog, is a ball!