About Harvardgirl_global

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A year ago ...

I deleted all my work here on blogit because I realize that it is just not worth it to give away my work to criminals and bastards who have been stealing from me my entire life anyway.  I took all my work down today- and will never write another word- leagal or otherwise.  Fuck all of you who thought I would be suckered into your stupid games I told you I would not be bullied and I meant it. My computer got hit by a hacker recently- and I have no idea what was published here in my voice- for that reason I am closing out this place where I thought I was free to express my voice- I guess there is no safe place for a writer-


That really SUCKED- realizing that there really is no way to GET PAID as a writer when the fucking government IS ROBBING YOU BLIND- but a writer must write- NO MATTER WHO FUCKS WITH THEM- it is just in our nature!

Then I returned a year or so later, with a thesis, that I published in my new blog!


I have been working on a thesis now for over a year- and have been conducting online experiments-

Life has taken a serious turn in my work as a writer, and I am working on global policy on Trump University's blog.  It is clearly not a BIG leap for me to think global policy, but I find that it is all realitive.

As I learn to write for different audiances, my style changes, my voice and quality of work have continued to emerge- ©


United States