About Eva.Moffat

 See my Member Profile

A little about myself.

Born and bred in Manchester England, three months before World War II started. I have a younger sister.

My father was often out of work, but my mother was always able to make one penny do the work of  two. She did such a good job of managing, that I didn't realise we were 'poor' for a long time.

I met my husband when I  was sweet sixteen.  We married three years later and had two daughters.

In 1982 we migrated from the UK to South Africa. I was a qualified Book-Keeper  but couldn't find a job, as I didn't speak Afrikaans. So I started my own Book-Keeping practice.  From there I progressed to starting a Computer School that was very successful.   

Unfortunately, my husband and I were divorced in 1999 as he had found a later model. Then ten months after the divorce he passed away.

I found myself unable to keep myself financially so I returned to the UK in 2001. Having left my younger daughter  in South Africa, with her husband and their two children.

I'm now settled in a bungalow in what we call Sheltered Accommodation. I have alarm cords all over my house, that I can pull if I need assistance.

Eleven years ago while in South Africa,  I  was badly injured in a car crash and broke my neck. Now my condition is deteriorating and I'm having dificulty walking more than a few steps, before the pain in my neck and shoulders kick in.  I'm not having a whinge, just stating a fact.

There are lot of people worse off than me.  I have a lot to be thankful for. For one thing I'm alive and kicking. Okay, maybe I'm not kicking as high as I used to do, but that's life.

I freelance for a newspaper. Having my own column on a weekly basis. I live to write and one day I hope to write to live.

I've only been a member of Blogit for a few days, got a feeling I've found my niche in life.

Looking forward to Writing and Reading Blogs.





United Kingdom
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Schools attended:
Primary, Secondary, College
I like:
Writing, Learning, Music, Bedroom Exercises
Favorite writers:
Anybody who can teach me something
Favorite books:
Non Fiction
Favorite magazines:
Writing Magazines
Favorite music:
50's and 60's
Favorite movies:
Musicals eg South Pacific and Sound of Music
Favorite TV shows:
Quiz Shows and Soaps
Favorite quote:
Not somehow but triumphantly