About Eleanor_Jazz

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Picture of Eleanor_Jazz

A young woman in her twenties has the ability to free her mind by manifesting
thoughts (opinions, ideas, and emotions) into words.
She believes that this is
a good combination to bring out her personality.

She wasn't a born writer, yet she bears the strong desire to fulfill her ambition
when words started penetrating her mind like those little beams of light.
It is her belief that inspiration may grow everywhere. Nevertheless, motivation
is the power to cycle a mind and help work out the brain.

Writing may not be her passion. Somehow, she has the heart to fulfill
the purpose of it. Of what she had written here were mostly based upon the
experiences she had throughout her daily lives. Be it the fiction, non-fiction,
articles, or just plain poetry, it is her passion to share what she has seen, tasted,
learned, and touched.

Simply read to know who she is. Do not ask and expect immediate answers.
This young woman owns a wandering mind, adopts a writer’s talent, offers
the fairytale dreams, adores craftworks, and always bathes in the colours of rainbow.

After all, she is the one whom you wouldn't want to put a great expectation on.

And she would always challenge you to read every of her entry post to figure and judge
the real person that she is.




Primary occupation:
Freelance Writer for Helium.com
Dream occupation:
Land Below the Wind (North Borneo)
I like:
Read and Write with Afternoon Coffee
Favorite writers:
Nicci French, Helen Dunmore, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Favorite magazines:
Reader's Digest
Favorite music:
Classical, Jazz, Metal
Favorite movies:
In the Mouth of Madness, The Reader, Wuthering Heights, Scent of a Woman, Angel-A, Stranger than Fiction, Forrest Gump
Favorite quote:
"You don't know what you're missing if you aren't in the kitchen." - quoted by Chowder
Sukyo Mahikari