About Darkchylde

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A New Guy on the Block!

My name is Darkchylde - although I am a little too old to be classed as a child - I live in the UK and have been writing avidly and seriously for a number of years now. I have had some success and have learned and improved myself along the way.

Why do I write?

To answer such a question would be like asking why is the earth here? Or why are we here?

The answer: Because it Is. I write because I must - it's the one constant I have always come back to, and believe me I have tried to do other things, but always come back to this. I swear you could cut me open and fine the word 'Writer' written inside me like 'Blackpool' through a stick of rock.

I am new to blogging - never done something like this before and I don't mind saying that all this seems a little daunting at the moment, but ask me again in a couple of weeks and I'm sure I will have changed my tune.

I write Horror/Thriller tales mostly but have dabbled in some poetry. I currently have 2 completed novels and a gazillion short stories. I have written two songs (music and lyrics) for the lady in my life, my Hon, my constant - Barbara. This woman alone has brought me to realise that I am a writer - (An abusive relationship prior to meeting her had virtually worn me down - how true it is that when you live with someone long enough you begin to take on their habits and beliefs).

Some of my tales are quite graphic, I feel they should be. They are designed to shock the reader, to keep them reading from page to page.

So that's a little about myself, next on the list is to post excerpts of some of my work - so read on and let me know what you think.