About D.M.K.

 See my Member Profile

Thanks for stopping by.  You will find a little bit about me below, but please visit the website I've just started at http://www.apieceofthepie.net. If you like my blogs here, there'll be even more for you to see!

More about DMK:

Age: 30. 

Marital status:  Ask my wife what she thinks this week.

Children:  There's a bun in the oven!

Likes:  Cruising the net.  It's the world's largest library at my fingertips. 

Dislikes:  People who rant on top of my rants. 

Other dislikes:  Mornings.  Going to work in the morning.  Going to work.  Working.  Oh, and mindless sitcoms that repeat the same gags as every other sitcom for the past 30 years.

More dislikes:  Spending three hours pouring out yet another great literary masterpiece, reading it again the next day, and discovering it sucks.