About ArleyWhite

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Hello all!

If you're reading this, then obviously you're wondering who this Arley White character is. Well in a nutshell this is who I am. I write because I enjoy doing so. I love to garden with my wife, and, if I may say so, our garden is the envy of the block. I build robots in my spare time, and I experiment with alternative energy sources when I have the time. My wife and I travel to Europe every other year to attend cooking schools. She loves to cook, and I love to she her enjoy herself so much. I'm almost fifty years old, I'm a disabled vet, (not seriously though, I just walk with a limp). My son is doing very well in his fourth year at the university, and I'm very, very proud of him. I'm the big grumpy guy who still believes that the movie "Thelma and Louise" was one of the very best commentaries of modern America around. 

I bid you peace and understanding. Arley White