About Anjeelah

 See my Member Profile

My name is Anjeelah (Angela). 

Philly has been my city of origin for thirty-some years.  I create works of poetry, fiction (including plays), nonfiction and creative nonfiction.  And of course I am a patron of many art forms, including theater, dance, music, visuals and just about anything that is artistic in expression.  Unfortunately, I do not get to meet many others like myself because I am very busy with my children (whom I love being with) and the everyday humdrum of office work (hate it!). 

Feeling the longtime itch in my fingers and my mind for the written word of my own thoughts, I am beginning to take the plunge.  Hopefully I can quit the silly office job that robs me of my creativity and stifles my dreams, then pursue the life I really want!  Here's to all of you who are with me!  Let's go and do this thing!

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Artist (Writer/Singer/Pianist/Actress)
Schools attended:
Eastern University
I like:
Meaningful, Purposeful Challenges that Promote Growth and Inspiration
Favorite writers:
Maya Angelou, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Terry McMillan, Judy Blume, E. Lynn Harris
Favorite books:
Phenomenal Woman, I know why the caged bird, Wisdom of the Ages, Divinci Code, and many, many others.
Favorite newspapers:
Local News, USA Today
Favorite magazines:
Writer's Digest, American Poetry Review, Poet, Fortune, Black Enterprise,
Favorite music:
Yanni, Classical, Classic Jazz & R&B, Pop, Gospel, Showtunes
Favorite movies:
Bridges of Madison County, Last Samauri, Amistad, Shaka Zulu
Favorite TV shows:
Apprentice, Law and Order, American Idol, Girlfriends, Judge Mathis
Favorite teams:
Eagles, Sixers, Phillies, Flyers - Philly Girl All the Way!
Fem Fatale