About AllergicHobbit

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Picture of AllergicHobbit

Married and father of six children (13 yrs and under).

WHY do I have six children?  Because I don't want SEVEN!

I'm a nutball (which is a basic requirement for a blogger, I've discovered).  I like spending hours thinking and napping (which leads to dreaming).  Mmmmmm.....right now I'm dreaming of drinking all the coffee I want without killing my kidneys.

I just read (on some one else's blog) that most men don't dream!  Holy-moly!!  Maybe I need to start watching more sports....

Female mud-wrestling is a sport, isn't it? No wait...ROLLER DERBY!!!!

*Religion:  Heathen (Neo-Pagan), Nature-Lover, Deist, and I don't believe in the Devil (A-Devilist?)

*I put this here because there is not enough room in the "Religion" field below.


United States
Primary occupation:
Architectural/Industrial Drafting
Portsmouth, NH (I don't live there any more)
Schools attended:
Too many (and the student loan payments....OUCH!)
I like:
Nature, Movies, Tolkien, Archery, Woodworking, Animals, Winter, Taking naps, Second Breakfast
Favorite newspapers:
Thick ones (more paper for the money)
Favorite magazines:
Anything with architecture/furniture/landscaping/woodworking/TOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite music:
Anything that sounds good LOUD (except country music)
Favorite quote:
"All religions are nutty"