About 1997

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I am a strong believer in Christ who is currently married with two boys. I began blogging because of a situation I've been in for over ten years so far. I wanted others to know what is really going on behind the scenes and how it all ties into biblical truth.

Before I became a true believer/christian, I used to be involved with occultic practices, including seances and a ouija board. I was also addicted to violent/gory movies and started drinking & smoking at an early age(10). I was abused physically, sexually, and emotionally as a child. I even became part of a cult in my early 20's. Yet, through it all, God was with me the whole time. He never gave up on me like I would have. Now, though I am still a work in progress like all believers, my life is completely different than what it would have been had I not chosen to follow Christ. In fact, I can honestly say that I would either be dead or in prison right now if I had continued on the same path in life that I was on before. My relationship with God is and will always be the most important thing in my life.
United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Christian writer
I like:
Bible study, reading, writing, and music
Favorite writers:
James Macdonald, David Jeremiah, Beth Moore
Favorite books:
The Bible, christian books, psychology books
Favorite newspapers:
Southtown, Star
Favorite magazines:
In Touch, Reader's Digest
Favorite music:
christian alternative(rock and rap)
Favorite movies:
Freedom Writers, Passion of the Christ, Dead Man Walking
Favorite TV shows:
House, 7th Heaven, ER, Way of the Master, Coral Ridge Hour
Favorite teams:
Greenbay Packers, White sox
Favorite quote:
"It is finished."