About ---Masky---

 See my Member Profile


All those pictures up there are of me.
The first is me at about age 2.
The second is me at about age 34.
The thirds is a photo of me in my blogging costume.

"...Blogging costume," you may be asking.
Here's the story...

I've had a go around at this place more than a time or two.
My first blogging name was behindamask, because I was hiding behind a writing mask, very fearful to come out of my shell and reveal the true me.  Well, everyone started calling me Mask or Masky so I shortened the name.  Then one day, a blogger who wears a black cat costume comes along with this "Blogger Quiz" in which I had to identify an animal in the forest.  To make a long story short, my animal was a raccoon which supposedly represented my nature and character.  Notice the raccoon is wearing a mask.  Oh, how appropriate.  Yes, I'm a wee little raccoon who likes to be fed marshmallows and drink out of mud puddles.


I'm also a mother of two. 
That's Coty (15) and Taylor (12) "way back when" and "in the present."
They're the two things in life I've done right!

As far as my blogging style goes it's pretty much like this: 

A.)  You nor I are ever going to know what pops out of my mouth and lands on the keyboard.  Expect the unexpected.  Expect alot of sarcasm and smart-ass'edness. 

B.)  I can be serious, but when it comes to trivial chaos in my life I prefer a light-hearted poke fun at myself approach.  It works for me!

C.)  I'm inconsistent.  Sometimes I'm here on a regular basis.  Sometimes I just go away.

I've made alot of friends here since early 2005, and am usually in cahoots will those who don't take themselves too seriously unless when absolutely necessary.  I don't dabble much in politics or religions, because the conversations usually make me salty...and that about sums me up!  BLOG ON!
