"The Hindering"

By JimmyA

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Length: 259 words
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Loyalty to a childhood friendship can have devastating results. When an AWOL marine kills an innocent young girl, his friend, caught completely off guard, must choose between silence or going to the law. In the end, he suffers the worst fate imaginable: prison, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only thing that saves him from this harsh and brutal new world he now finds himself in is his artistic abilities.   This is a true story.


"Finally coming to a stop at the corner of the intersection, I looked all around me, panting heavily. Tommy was no where to be seen. Was that it? Would that finally be the last I ever see of him? Do I now go to the police and spill the beans? The burden of this whole affair weighed even more heavily on my mind. Returning to my usual gait, I walked the rest of the way home, once again frightened, confused and frustrated. My brain began to scream. When was this nightmare going to end?"

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