By Jason_Grimms
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009 The largest problems we face today are Global Warming and the Water Crisis December 18, 2007 By A. Burt Long before I heard Timothy Egan, from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations network of scientist say on Aug. 12, 2001 that by 2050 up to 2 billion people worldwide could face a major water shortage. This was reported in Common Dreams News Center and went on to say that the United States used 148 trillion gallons of water in 2000. This is compared to the average of 5 gallons used daily in Africa. One of the witnesses, Daniel Teitelbaum, a medical toxicologist with the Colorado School of mines and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center said he was taken back by the lack of research into the health concerns of gas and oil exploration in the area. Steve Belinda, with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership as reported in the article, Drilling operations reshape landscape, Dec 10, 2007 by Todd Hartman-Rocky Mountain News, said "We see a federal agency acting on behalf of only one user group: the energy industry," Much can be learned from three articles, The Big Thirst: The Great American Water Crisis, Nov. 15, 2007, by Leonard Doyle-The Independent/UK . I will now take the liberty too post all three.
Copyright A. Burt 2009
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