The tremendous change

By lizzieanne

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Its amazing how the boys have changed. They came into the course as a bunch of gawky unpolished stones and the change that has overcome them is truly unimaginable.

Six months ago I faced a sullen all male class. Their awkwardness  did not melt with the ice breaker activities which usually put many a student at ease. How were these boys to become men?

The class activities soon caught their interest and the ice began to thaw. Very slowly there were the odd comments and guffaws to be heard. Teaching was losing its challenge and charm. The fact that I had only eight term papers to grade as opposed to the eighty or thereabout was not a great feeling any more. How could I bring the enthusiasm back?

I was not left in the doldrums for long, because the boys had their own little ways of opening up and rising to the challenge. It was truly a test to my reputation as a resourceful teacher. Within the next couple of weeks they had bloomed and were responding to every situation and how! They excelled in their presentations, struggled hard to produce essays, tried hard to reason and write critically, employed unusual methods to capture audience attention and in short soared to heights.

Today, after a three week break, they have come back to face a new semester, eager and devoted. The maturity on the young faces shine as they conduct the orientation of the new students. What confidence and finesse! You've certainly evolved from boys to men! here's to greater heights.


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