By WaterKat
Hotel Soulifornia urges us to embark on a journey with Sorrow as she travels through the depths of her Soul in an attempt to come to terms with her grief and loss. With the help of her Soul Guide the Keyman, not only does Sorrow succeed in this, but also in discovering the true value of Sacrifice. Soulifornia is a place where Karma abounds. That which we reap and that which we sow. Friends, lovers, enemies and family, no-one can escape its pull as we are unwittingly dragged onto our Higher Selves, sometimes kicking, sometimes screaming, but mostly just crying on the inside. This is the place where we find our answers. We all have our own Soulifornia, but my character 'Sorrow' discovered hers in a little country pub in the small town that she had grown up in, ran away from, then returned to...... "Welcome to the Hotel Soulifornia...such a lovely place."
'Speaking these words to herself Sorrow drew from her innermost being the strength that would save her. Slowly moving along the tunnel again, it wasn't long before she saw ahead of her a small dim light. So encouraged by this, she began moving faster and faster and as the light grew bigger and brighter she knew Keyman was right. Then Sacrifice came back into her thoughts. If only she had more time with him, he may have followed her. But feeling her pain only drew her closer to the light.'
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