Seventy Golden Years Grandmom

By sunsirae

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S     tars are sparkling for you Grandmom

E     ven though we may not see them with the naked eye

V     ictory is won today, God's promise made complete

E     veryone don''t receive such a gift as this

N     either do people understand why

T     he secret of the great blessing to reaching SEVENTY

Y      our kindness, goodwill, teachings of unconditional love

        charitable perseveerance, unafraid to take on tasks.  Prayers, tears,

        also words of wisdom and sacrifice, are just a few of your many

        attributes, Grandmon that has shown us the way to receive

        God's promise of our SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY.....

Happy Birthday with Love

                                                              Sunsirae     Rosslyn Marks


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