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A boy and girl grow to be teenagers.

They fall in love and get married.

They go to church on Sunday.

They are sucked into the world's false hope.

When children come, they take on day a week to go out to eat together.

Alone, with no children, this boy who quickly became a man continues to court this young woman.

She is such a blessing from God.

He worked at his home some evenings to repaint cars.

It wasn't easy. Many times she didn't have enough money for even an ice cream cone.

She prayed for God's strength. She needed a man to care how she felt.

There were times that she felt like giving it all up.

Her husband was there to hold her though.

He loved on her through the good and bad times.

She found strength in reading her Bible, praying, and serving.

This Godly woman was at church Sunday morning and Sunday night.

She was there on Wednesday nights also.

Where there was a child to be taught, Mam Maw was there.

God protected and led her steps.

Her husband went to church with her on Sunday.

They prayed together for their children.

They allowed God to walk and talk to them.

                          ©Lee Hartsell


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