Comments on A Little Bit of Rain Isn't Going to Stop This Amish Couple from Courting

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Re: Goldiec, In Delaware I would see them riding bicycles and scooters.

They are a unique group. I always enjoy seeing them when I go home. They park their buggy's at Byler's in Delaware. That is my favorite store to buy Amish baked and canned goods. 

posted by Sherri_G on December 3, 2021 at 6:52 AM | link to this | reply

They are wonderful Craftsmen. I have two wee oval tables for beside the chairs we sit in. Amish made and they are wonderful. I had to bring them down.

posted by Kabu on December 2, 2021 at 1:31 PM | link to this | reply

Good Afternoon

When we go for rides in the country we see a lot of Amish people.  I always worry about the children riding in a buggy.  We often see Amish children walking along the sides of the road and that worries me too.  I have seen them shopping in Walmart.  I think they have drivers that bring them to the stores.  I think what surprised me the most was how much pop they buy.  Some of them had their carts full and that's fine but I just thought they would drink healthier drinks. 

posted by Goldiec on December 2, 2021 at 9:36 AM | link to this | reply

Re: FSI, you're correct. They are a plain Ordnung that forbids such things.

The Mennonites are a bit less conservative, and the old and new Amish have different sets of rules. The new order allows for electricity, cell phones, computers, and other modern conveniences that allow them to make a living. The old order is where you find the faceless dolls.

posted by Sherri_G on December 2, 2021 at 9:12 AM | link to this | reply

That's a great photo captured of them...As I remember, some orders do not allow for faces on dolls.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on December 2, 2021 at 8:36 AM | link to this | reply