Comments on The metaphysics of abortion

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We are VERY much alike I'd say!

posted by Dedicated_Diplomat on February 21, 2004 at 10:04 AM | link to this | reply

From Bunny

Thanks for your great comments, Workin'! I think you're completely right about the ways in which some of us have become much more tolerant of other people's views as we get older. (I say "some of us" because some people go the other way.)

When I was in college my friends and I were disdainful of our peers who valued chastity, monogomy, ten-percent tithing and other hallmarks of conservative Christian sects. I wasn't Christian, so I suppose this wasn't unusual for me, but a very good friend of mine was not only a devout Episcopal but a Sunday School teacher, and you should have heard what she said about people who actually give away ten percent of their pre-tax income.

Now that I'm all grown up I've come to understand and respect the views and choices of others. I see why they consider these things important and how they fit into their lifestyles. I've even chosen some of these things for myself, such as monogomy. The same is true of my friends, or at least the ones who remained my friends. We reserve our criticism for the people who try to force their views on others. We don't criticize the ways in which others live their own personal lives anymore, so long as they're not hurting anyone else.

posted by Bunny on February 21, 2004 at 7:13 AM | link to this | reply

Bunny - I like to read your posts here... I don't comment because I

usually don't know what to say.  I appreciate the way you explain how YOU view the fetus and how YOU define when a soul enters into it.  These explanations allow those who are "anti-choice" as you call it - to understand and accept your perspective. 

As a pro-lifer myself, I don't know how I'd view abortion if I had gotten pregnant while in college and unmarried.  I don't know how I'd view abortion if I had been raped and became pregnant.  I know a lot of republicans and conservatives come from very "traditional" families and since most of them experienced pregnancy at "the right time and under the right circumstances" their perspectives on this are much like mine. 

Will we ever agree on abortion in this country?  I really don't think we will, do you?  I think the debate will continue well unto baby Bunny's adulthood and my three kids' adulthoods.  I do think that we are becoming smarter and better informed to the other's perspective, though.  I know that my conservative viewpoints are evolving into more accepting viewpoints on many things.  I have NEVER judged my peers who obtained abortions in college; I totally understood where they were coming from and I don't consider them murderers..... but in my very small and personal experience, they ALL regret that choice and it's changed their lives. 

I just hate to see that life of regret.  I'm so glad you don't have that regret, Bunny.  Truly... that is why it is your responsibility to speak out on this... you are an example of the strength that came out of it.  I hope you'll continue to blog your views - they help me understand. 

posted by Dedicated_Diplomat on February 21, 2004 at 6:41 AM | link to this | reply

bravo, bravo
i'm glad you have this blog here. some people don't understand when i say that i am personally pro-life but socially and politically pro-choice.

posted by chick312 on February 19, 2004 at 11:09 AM | link to this | reply