Comments on Why Do Christians seem to think that everyone else should think like them

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I try not to expose myself, at least not on the weekends.

posted by kooka_lives on February 14, 2004 at 8:18 PM | link to this | reply

You have been EXPOSED!!

posted by Ariala on February 14, 2004 at 12:47 PM | link to this | reply

But yet
The Christian ideas are everywhere you turn and it is often felt by us non-Christians hat we should just say nothing rather than try to make ourselves feel better. Yes, just be living you are at some level going to impose your beliefs on others. But there is another level where you are forcing those beliefs. I cringe whenever I am told 'Jesus loves you'. Why? Because that is someone who figures that since they are Christians, then I must be as well.

It would be different if the Christians did not walk around trying to get everyone to follow their beliefs, which is one often main reason I think we have a lot of the problems. Christian seem to think it is fine for them to walk around preaching to everyone. I am fine with allowing pray in schools, just do not take time out of my child's education for it. There are many other great wastes of time that they would enjoy more.

As for the whole Harry Potter thing, that is not religion. The magic in Harry Potter is far from anything real. But then again we see the Christian ideas that the influence is what matters. Here we hit the hypocritical way of thinking here. It is fine for the Christians to openly express their religious beliefs, while something that is not religious, but has ideas that do not agree with the Christian ideas should not be allowed.

I would be all for Christians to be allowed to to carry their bibles and do their thing, but then at the same time they would have to allow for all other religions to have the same rights. Which would mean pentagrams and such displayed right by the cross with equal exposure.

Oh, and Star Wars is my region. The Force is not God. Or at least not anything like the Christian God.

posted by kooka_lives on February 13, 2004 at 11:42 AM | link to this | reply

Why are people so offended all the time over everything

 If some person said ' Satan be with you i would probably cringe but I would not be offended. It seems to me the problem with this country is its too touchy feely and soft. Homosexual marriage offends many people but its considered to be intolerant and hateful for a Christian to speak out againt it. Why is it considered intolerant when a Christian is offended. God forbid someone pray in school or bring their Bible to work or say Jesus be with you. Now everyone is in a friggin hoopla. But its perfectly okay and even applauded for people to live any lifestyle and say anything they want and print anything they want just so it doesn't bring Jesus into the fray. Now its imposing beliefs anf offensive!! Its a double standard and grossly hypocritical and thats what is really offensive and plain stupid. Kids wear harry potter cloths and read harry potter books and tote the books around with them in schools and the teachers even READ ALOUD to the students the potter stories in class. But...thats OK. Thats not imposing anything. ( ????) Their are many subtle religions being imposed on us and especially our young minds out there but JESUS is the only one that catches flak. You gotta admit STAR WARS is a RELIGION. Oh yeah. Definantly. ' May the FORCE be with you' ( Jesus be with you), quoting obi wan kenobi the force( holy spirit) is what gives the Jedi ( christian) his power. It binds us it penetrates us it holds the universe together( God ). The Dark Side ( evil) etc. Every human beings  way of life is a chosen religion and we will NEVER EVER not impose it on anyone because everyone is always searching and never finding and therefore confused. Everybody has this inate desire to help another but dont really know how. We are...therefore we impose. So there is no point in being offended. Its like being offended at the weather. By the way there are so many counterfeits of the Gospel in Hollywood it is unbelievable: the Matrix is another one.

posted by cantey on February 13, 2004 at 2:41 AM | link to this | reply

Uh... tampa4christ
I understood what you were saying. And I do agree, it is the intention that matters. But I will bet you any amount of money that if I were to start using 'May Satan be with you', I would offend a whole lot of Christians. Yet they are free to use 'Jesus loves you' and if you feel that to be offensive, then you out of luck because that is what is considered polite. The 'God Bless you' is not one I really have a problem with. It is the 'Jesus loves you' that bothers me more.
It has do do with the Christians showing other respect, which IMHO, they very rarely do. I know that they mean well and that is why I generally do not mind them. But they would be very offended if you told them some other god of being should guide them or loves them. The offense I feel is not from the intentions, but the underlining idea that everyone should except the Christian beliefs in such greetings.
And I completerly spaced your Satan remark in your first comment. So sorry about that one.

posted by kooka_lives on February 12, 2004 at 4:55 PM | link to this | reply

I thought you wouldn't get it
Satan be with me? Now I did wish you the same, but you literally asked for it so I did. Remember I said it was all about the person's "intentions" when greeting you this way or that? What would possibly give you the impression that I would want anything to do with Satan, or wish to recive that type of greeting or blessing? Did you even read my response? But in any case nevermind, I know you are just being cute and writing to get your jollies and honestly no harm is done, and no offense taken - Satan is nothing more than an over-rated cherub anyhow. I was just playing along with you and giving you a run for your money given the arguement you presented.

posted by tampa4christ on February 12, 2004 at 2:00 PM | link to this | reply

Come on...

This is just taking the same path that puritans take.  If a puritan person is offended because you wear a mini-skirt, does it give the puritan a right to force you into putting a long skirt on?  If no, then how are you entitled to complain when someone says "God bless you'?

Hey, when someone tells me 'God bless you', I just take it as being what it is: a well-intentioned remark.  I am not a religious person, but still I don't find it offensive that someone tells me 'May Allah be with you', or 'God Bless you', or 'Shalom'. 

Political correctness is curbing the freedom of speech.  If Jones thinks that Satan is the One and True Lord, then he has the right to say it, regardless of who might feel offended by it.  If we accept that we have the duty to omit making certain comments just because it might offend someone, then we will come to a point where no one will be able to say anything.

Let us just accept the fact that each individual has his/her own beliefs and points of view, and that although no person has the right to impose his own views upon other persons, it is equally true that each one of us has the right to speak out our minds, without the fear of being coerced into silence, just because somebody did not like what we had to say.

posted by Manorlord on February 12, 2004 at 12:53 PM | link to this | reply

You damn right I'm coming over for a beer.  It's about time somebody offered...

posted by Jesus_Christ on February 12, 2004 at 12:05 PM | link to this | reply

Christ has returned?
Your back huh?
Want to come over and have a beer?


Most of what I was saying here was to make a point. I have no problem with the 'bless you' for sneezing, most people do not use God for that any more. Would you be offended if someone said 'Satan be with you' as a form of greeting? It seems like the Christian greetings are the one we all are suppose to except as being the polite ones, when that should not be the case. That is where the level of insult is.

So tampa4christ, Satan be with you in all that you do to help you enjoy life.

posted by kooka_lives on February 12, 2004 at 12:03 PM | link to this | reply

Ooh, this really yanks on my chain, man...

posted by Jesus_Christ on February 12, 2004 at 11:33 AM | link to this | reply

Good points from the article and the comments here!

posted by PetiteWriter on February 12, 2004 at 7:50 AM | link to this | reply

I'll try to explain...

There is a difference obviously, in your moral value system, and about 99% of the rest of the world. Saying God bless you after you sneeze for example is not meant to be religious or offensive in virtually any imaginable and realistic application of the idiomatic expression. In Germany (Bavaria in particular), they say gesundheit when you sneeze the first time, which means basically that it is wished that your health returns to you, and then shoenheit upon successive bouts of a sneezing attack. The “shoenheit” roughly translates to “may your beauty return to you”. I am guessing that it is understood that your face and eyes are red, oozing with mucus and you are generally bearing an unattractive appearance, and ergo the wish that your beauty returns.

Now if you want to be offended by absolutely everything, why not that for example? Who does that person think they are wishing you a blessing that your beauty returns to you? Maybe you like how you look with mucus dripping from your nose to chin. Who sets that standard? Who determines what is and is not beautiful? How dare anyone tell you or even infer that you are ever beautiful or not? What if you would rather be seen as ugly and unattractive? I smell a conspiracy here!!!

My point by this ridiculous example is that somewhere along the line, we as a species have come to certain understandings in out interaction one another. And wishing one well with religious overtones is simply a well intentioned statement of goodwill. If you are implying that all Christians (and why not all theists for that matter) should refrain from a well intentioned statement when greeting you or departing from your presence, I would guess you are in that 1% category I was speaking of way up top. You’re not entirely alone, but pretty close to it (statistically that is). Now if you really want to stop all theists from wishing you good tidings from their god or gods, I have a simple suggestion for you that just might work!

Amend the Constitution to guarantee the right to be free from religious speech being spoken around you or any other human being in the United States of America in any manner, shape or form. If you do that, you would have the right force others to not express their Constitutional right to religious expression near you. Unfortunately though, the exact opposite is currently true regarding the 1st amendment and you’ll have to settle on just asking the person to kindly keep it to themselves until you can get the votes necessary to repeal it.

But if you just ask them politely and articulately not just keep their god to themselves, I bet you will be amazed at how many people will respect your request and simply walk away and leave you alone. I would myself, why should I care one way or the other? Give it a shot. What do you have to loose! And may Satan himself bless you exactly as you have requested! How’s that? Did I do good?

posted by tampa4christ on February 11, 2004 at 9:55 PM | link to this | reply

I agree with you. The idea came up while talking about what can be considered offensive. If someone finds it offensive for me to say 'cock', I'll tell them I find it offensive for them to tell my 'God loves you'. They have as much to right to say what they want as I do. But it often seems that Christians do not feel that way and want to take away the right to say what you want, so that people will only be saying what the Christians want them to.

posted by kooka_lives on February 6, 2004 at 7:04 PM | link to this | reply


others speech isn't the way to curb insults and insensitivity.  If we did that, then there would be little to say to folks.  Instead, give a reply that matches your views or throw a wrench into their wacked out sensibilities. 


posted by freerain on February 5, 2004 at 8:51 PM | link to this | reply

Living in a Bible Belt..

I get comments like this everyday..

"Have a Blessed day",,,,"The Lord thanks you".....etc.

I just shrug it off. BUT!!!! If I say, "I'm Atheist"......OHHH!!! The world comes to an end.

I put up a simple Blog about my Athiesm back when I was still a Greenhorn. and someone asked me if I was "Crazy".

No, I'm not..mostly.

I remember, back in Elementary School. Back when they still did the Pledge of Allegience. I would never stand and "Pray".

The teacher, one day, decided to make an "Example" out of me by making a fuss.

"I'm Athiest" I informed the class.

The teacher just about had a Heart Attack!! and the other students kept asking, "Why do you believe in Satan?"

I don't believe in Satan! Believing in Satan-----Would be a RELIGION!! Duh!!

Ok enough ranting...I don't hate any religious people, I just hate it when they push it on me.


Good post

posted by Mahnarch on February 5, 2004 at 6:58 PM | link to this | reply