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i have come to the conclusion that most people hoard.  my mother was of the tv hoarders variety, my 2 sisters and my husbands family just like lots of things around them.

i am a recovering hoarder, i have given everything to my family that they want, and i still have to naut i gave away 1000 books and sent 50 off to be sold and still have about 1000.  i gave books to charity and to the public library, figured if i want to look at them again i can check them out and they can store them until then....

so much of what we have, others without can make good use of....i gave 2 couches and 3 chairs to the charity store down the road and they were gone before the day was over. there are so many in need.  but i hear you, i know how you feel, i am like you i do not want my children to have to get rid of it so i am trying to do it now while i still can.

posted by jeansaw on March 1, 2015 at 5:36 PM | link to this | reply


I really, really know wherof you speak! My LSW hoards, I hoard! She's got her mother's stuff, even coats and dresses, for crying out loud, and linen and things...And I have books! The last time I took a rough count there were over 3 1/2 thousand, and more now! I know there are many I'll never read again, there are even some that I read only 'diagonally' - but I can't bring myself to give them away or sell 'em, because each one, in some way has contributed to how I think, to what I am...

posted by Nautikos on March 1, 2015 at 3:27 PM | link to this | reply

I am a natural hoarder as well...I have to work really hard to make sure that I do not accumulate junk.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on February 28, 2015 at 5:25 PM | link to this | reply

i have a friend in Austrsalia is a hoarder like you. She has two homes stuffed with stuff. I have managed to get her to throw or give away a few things, over the years. A very few but she is just as likely to see something on the street to be picked up and she brings it home because like you, it may have artistic possibilities.

Myself, I still have things under my Sister's house in Australia and after nearly 8 years I am offering them to my Son and I am giving some things to Grandchildren as they turn 18 and again when they reach 21...if I am still around. Other stuff they can sell when I am gone. I have collected heaps more here and all very good stuff...I like my home like yours Cottage style.

posted by Kabu on February 28, 2015 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply