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Armor of God

God is so smart.  He said the FULL armour of God for a reason.  Not just part of it but the complete entire gear that we need for daily protection in the spiritual battle of the mind.  I know many times, I've had only pieces of the armour on.  Or I'd have certain parts hanging and dangling but not positioned and fastened securely.  Well, what good is that when I'm exposing myself to the attack.  If I were at war, would I put on my uniform and gear carelessly and let things dangle and fall off?  Or would I end a car during an ice storm just place the seatbelt over my shoulder but not fasten, only to appear that I have it on?  NO!!  Doing so would not protect me if I were to get in a wreck and doing so with my armour of God does not fully protect me in this spiritual battle those goes on moment by moment, day by day for a lifetime!

posted by tropicalgal on January 26, 2004 at 8:34 AM | link to this | reply