Comments on Christian leadership conference....

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Thanks tampa4christ and cake....

....I don't think the speaker was on the Bible reading program....he was using Moses as an example of a leader who needed 'follower-leaders' supporting him.

posted by Celeste632 on January 24, 2004 at 3:54 PM | link to this | reply

It was a repeated action
When Moses held his hand in the air (Exodus 17:11-12) Israel prevailed over Amalek, and the reverse happened when he lowered his hand. After Amalek was defeated, Moses erected a monument and called it YHWH Nissi (the Lord-Is-My-Banner ). A banner in those days was a communications device for armies that told their soldiers what to do. In modern times we call them "standards" or "colors". Armies would advance or retreat as they followed the movement of their banners. Isn't it interesting that after the battle was won that Moses decided to permanently erect a banner, as if to say this is our final stand!

posted by tampa4christ on January 24, 2004 at 9:51 AM | link to this | reply

I have an AA in Biblical Studies, but as an 18 year old I spent alot of time feeding ducks at the local park... but something like this... I don't remember the "translation"... what DID it mean that Moses had to have his hands raised and he said that "The Lord is my banner?"... it's beautiful and it shows Israels (our) dependence on God for our victories, but it would still be nice to hear the Hebraic cultural translation as to what it all meant... wow, this makes me hungry... for the word... for more of God... Thanks!  Sunday school's the bomb... have a good.

posted by cmoe on January 24, 2004 at 9:35 AM | link to this | reply

Berry interesting...
I am on a program to read the entire bible in one year. To do this you basically read 3 chapters a day, simple enough. However, did you know that if you started on January 1st, that you would read Exodus chapter 17 yesterday? Ask whoever gave you the assignment if they are on the "one year program". I would be funny if they were as you would probably totally amaze them with such an accurate prediction, seemingly coming from no-where as you would normally have no way of knowing somehting personal like a commitment to read the bible in a year. And if they say no, you can always say... just wondering

posted by tampa4christ on January 24, 2004 at 7:49 AM | link to this | reply