Comments on My one way ticket to hell

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What you believe

What this is saying is simply, it is not the measure of a man's life that matters. it is if he believes or not. Everything I have done with my life is a waste of time, simply because I can not believe. Having morals, helping others, being kind and loving, raising my children to be good people, none of that is important. There is no need for me to live a clean and moral life, because as long as I believe I will be forgiven. It does not matter when this happens even, as long as I believe when I finally die.

This is something I have not fully reconciled.  Based on what you said above, you believe in most of the spiritual principles that Christ taught.  When it comes to how we live our lives our action are important.  Actions speak louder than words.  We can say that we believe, but if we don't act like it, what is the point?  Besides, I don't believe God is stupid enough to accept deathbed lip service.  What is the point in having a judgment at the end of times when the outcome is already determined?  Like I said this is one subject I don't have a clear cut answer for, at least not yet.

posted by Budmannomore on January 24, 2004 at 6:26 PM | link to this | reply

"It all has to do with taking charge of your life and being responsible for your own actions. No need to go and blame Satan for when you do bad things. It is your fault and your fault alone. "

- Totally correct. Satan is not to blame for any persons decision to do something stupid. God holds people 100% accountable for their lives. And any persom who thinks they can just accept Jesus right before they die is a fool. I am not attemptimg to evangelise you or convert you. I have been around here long enough to see that that is not going to happen with you. You have thought long and hard about religion and God and the devil and you have reached your conclusions and it is settled with you so any attempts would be moot. Of all the atheists I have encountered you are the most objective and cool headed and you are not just another tedious Nietzche clone. Instead you present a refreshing brand of personable logic. I like to post comments on your blogs because I know you will respond with something honest and interesting not driven by veiled silly recycled embitterd emotion. Christians should not be so afraid to learn about what makes atheists tick, like they are carrying some kind of disease. Kids. Anyway, good luck with your writing, as you see I have been reading your ' Fiction' blog. Good stuff.       


posted by cantey on January 22, 2004 at 1:10 AM | link to this | reply

Uh, because I can think logically.
There is no Satan nor is there a God, at least not the God of the Bible. No great power is trying to make us do bad things. And it is not some great evil to just not believe in God.
It all has to do with taking charge of your life and being responsible for your own actions. No need to go and blame Satan for when you do bad things. It is your fault and your fault alone.

posted by kooka_lives on January 21, 2004 at 8:51 PM | link to this | reply

Why do you think the existence of satan and his influence is nonsense? you are obviously a person with an active, creative and free imagination.

posted by cantey on January 21, 2004 at 5:08 PM | link to this | reply

Here's my experience. At some point, I realized that the world around me was changing me--all of us. We are daily changed by the things that happen to us, the people in our lives, tv we watch, things we hear. All of it changes each of us. The only way I could have any control over the process was to make sure I was becoming more like Jesus every day.

Jesus was a kind, compassion person who loved those around him. He did his best to make the world a better place. He was always concerned when he saw people suffering and tried his best to make things better for them. To me, He was the ultimate example of love and mercy, so to be more like Him would just naturally make me a better person. That's how I first became a Christian.

posted by Passionflower on January 18, 2004 at 8:45 PM | link to this | reply