Comments on Prayer, a follow-up

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Just about every church service I have gone to through out my life, so that would be a good half dozen or more different Christian faiths that I have seen first hand this idea. I have not seen this in the non-Christian religions. They do seem to treat pray differently, but that still doesn't go against the idea that it is organized religion that is causing the problem.
One time I can really recall seeing this idea truly abused was when a friend of mine got me to go to a service with him and all they did was pray for everything in site. A few were crying during it. I was completely lost as to what the whole point was. Nothing they prayed for seemed to be anything more than thing they could easily achieve by working towards that goal.

posted by kooka_lives on January 7, 2004 at 11:39 AM | link to this | reply

From Bunny

You wrote: And i have, first hand, seen many churches promote this idea. They do not teach people to act, but rather just sit around and wait for God to do it all for them, or not if that is 'God's will'.

Which (Christian) churches? Which denominations? Where have you found this in non-Christian religions? Which ones? Which denominations of those religions?

posted by Bunny on January 7, 2004 at 12:55 AM | link to this | reply

I have seen many people use prayer as a way to beg God for things and I am saying that is not the right way to do it. And i have, first hand, seen many churches promote this idea. They do not teach people to act, but rather just sit around and wait for God to do it all for them, or not if that is 'God's will'.

posted by kooka_lives on January 5, 2004 at 8:15 PM | link to this | reply

I wonder why then
that the Word of God says clearly; "pray without ceasing"?? Maybe you have the wrong concept of what prayer is. Prayer is not begging God for things or events to happen. Prayer is communication with God. The problem many have with prayer is stated in the word as "praying amiss".
I happen to be a strong prayer warrior and I also have a 'chat room' to take prayer requests at. Pray is obedience to God's word. That's my take on it.

posted by PastorB on January 5, 2004 at 12:23 PM | link to this | reply