Comments on Why pray?

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You misunderstand then
I do think religion is needed in some cases, it is just when you sit back and listen to someone else tell you how to go about your religion is when it goes bad. When you need someone else to tell you how to form your beliefs, you are going about it wrong.
And I also believe that many people do not understand their own religions very well and go about the pursuit of religion wrong.
I know many people who needed religion to help them through their problems and it was good for them. Then they started to get into the organized aspects of it and it became a bad thing.
I truly believe that individual beliefs are an important thing and should be better understood and not inforced on others.

posted by kooka_lives on January 4, 2004 at 5:18 PM | link to this | reply

Kooka --

You just made my point! You don't follow any religion. You don't like any religion. At all! Organized, disorganized or never-organized. So your blog should be called "Why I Don't Like Religion." You're not just criticizing organized religion. You're criticizing all religion.

It's just my suggestion to make things clearer. I think people would understand the point of your blog quicker if your title better reflected where you're coming from.

posted by Bunny on January 4, 2004 at 4:58 PM | link to this | reply

I don't do it...
but I think it just makes people feel better.  They can vent and let out what is worrying them. 

posted by rajah on January 4, 2004 at 3:13 PM | link to this | reply

That is what I was trying to say. Prayer can only work if it is used personally to focus, but there are also other ways to do that as well. But I do not feel that many people use prayer to focus, but instead look at as a way to throw off the blame for why their lives are not what they want. 'I prayed for a better life and God did not deliver, so I guess this is what he wants of me,' or 'God is testing my faith by not giving me what I asked for, so I just need to pray to him more,' are very sad ways that a lot of people think.

posted by kooka_lives on January 4, 2004 at 2:13 PM | link to this | reply

Most of my post are about how I see people either being abused by or they themselves abusing the idea of Organized Religion. I am not against beliefs and I think everyone has a right tot heir beliefs. It is just there are many, many flaws to religion in general. I point them out here in order to show why I do not follow any religion.

posted by kooka_lives on January 4, 2004 at 2:09 PM | link to this | reply

I agree
many people use prayer as an excuse not to work.  They may even go as far as to believe working to get something they pray for is a lack of faith.  I think the problem there is with the person and their beliefs, not prayer specifically.  You hit on a key when you mentioned focus.  Prayer can help a person focus.  Prayer (if done right) is also a communication. Sometimes the things I hear when I pray can make me cry - usually it's "I love you." But sometimes it can also be, "You really screwed up on that one."

posted by TooeleWriterGal on January 4, 2004 at 11:38 AM | link to this | reply

From Bunny

Your blog is definitely mis-named. It's called "Why I Don't Like Organized Religion" (emphasis mine) but several times, especially with this post about the futility of prayer, you criticize all religion, religious beliefs and religious expression.

Your blog title makes readers think you are protesting something, maybe everthing, about large, mainstream religious organizations and establishments, but your message is consistantly about the ways in which you think all religious beliefs and practices are ridiculous.

posted by Bunny on January 4, 2004 at 11:29 AM | link to this | reply