Comments on I guess the battle is on

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The self-vicitimzation behavior exhibited by many Christians, IMHO, is actually a continuation of the psychological trauma that their newfound spirituality, as Jesus intended it, is supposed to cure. In other words, Christians who see themselves as victims, or even proactively stir the pot so much that they provoke a reaction that feels like this to them, are Christians who are still having trouble getting beyond that.

There's more to this, but I really need to finish up some work so I can get home at a decent hour for Christmas Eve...happy holidays!

posted by BrWiSk on December 24, 2003 at 12:14 PM | link to this | reply

I hope you someday address the issue I was really talking about, how you tried to rig a challenge, but most likely you won't. I really do not care why you called the challenge, but you might think things out better before you do something like that again.


I have an old friend who looks to be back into later this year. He found help in the church. I look forward to seeing him again, but I am going to ask him that we not talk about religion, because I already know that it will cause problems for him for me to express my views on it.
Unicorn had to know that what she was saying would get people after her. So I really have no idea why she is complaining about it. Although it would fit with my idea of Christians wanting ot be thought of as victims and she would be able to show how everyone attacks her unfairly.

posted by kooka_lives on December 24, 2003 at 12:08 PM | link to this | reply

You had and still have a point. I don't think unicorn did it for clicks. It was, rather, probably for the reasons I mentioned in my last comment. You are correct in that she effectively hogtied her potential debaters to her own set parameters during the course of challenging these people to that very debate. That was unfair.

I guess I'm just hoping unicorn will continue down the path she embarked upon, the spiritual rejuvenation she has found in Jesus Christ. It would be sad if she were, instead, to continue down another road, a distraction, by endeavoring to build confidence in her own spiritual self by seeking evidence for its veracity via the process of attempting to convince others. This is a tiring exercise with little redeeming value for the soul.

posted by BrWiSk on December 24, 2003 at 11:55 AM | link to this | reply

no, I didn't do it for the clicks.
I'm not going to try and justify my actions. But please know, I don't care what my "ratings" are. And please don't base your entire opinion of me on one blog.
Kooka, have a blessed holiday season, I pray you and yours are blessed. If you chose to resume ignoring, I can't stop you, but I at least hope that you will on occasion read some of my other blogs.

posted by PastorB on December 24, 2003 at 11:50 AM | link to this | reply

I really do not disagree with you on this.
My problem was with the idea that a challenge was made and then rules added that made it so no one could win it but her. If you make such a challenge and openly go and invite everyone who has ever disagreed with you to came and put their two cents worth it, which is what Unicorn did, then you will find a lot of people coming after you. She really did it to herself this time and I will not feel sorry for her over this. I really have no clue as to what she thought would come from her challenge.

SHe should not have placed herself in that position. I had not been reading her until the challenge came. If she did it for hits and did not really want feedback (Which seems likely) then she made a mistake. And I ignored her at first, then she went and tried to claim she won because no one was taking her seriously. So we all took her seriously. I can go back to ignoring her now.

posted by kooka_lives on December 24, 2003 at 11:30 AM | link to this | reply

thank you
BrWisk. I appreciate your defending me. It inspired a post under my AWESOME GOD blog.

posted by PastorB on December 24, 2003 at 11:29 AM | link to this | reply

a thought for kooka and unicorn
Kooka, unicorn, and I all disagree on a few things.

Kooka needs to know, however, that I actually concur with him/her on some important matters, one of those being that it's ridiculous to think of the Bible as the 100 percent, verbatim and inerrant Word of God. That's a bit extreme, and you're reading that from a guy who follows Jesus.

I've read a few of unicorn's blogs. Unicorn unquestionably went through a tough and spiritually bankrupt phase of life before she had her run-in with spiritual rejuvenation in the form of a powerful experience she equates with Jesus Christ. None of us can take that away from her, nor is anyone being a good person by endeavoring to convince her that this spiritual renewal she experienced was counterfeit or meaningless. She works at a homeless shelter, for crying out loud. We need more people doing that, and if it was Jesus Christ who persuaded be so altruistic, so be it.

Surely it makes sense, bearing the aforementioned in mind, that she would be so overbearing in her zeal to prove that the Bible is the 100 percent accurate, verbatim and inerrant Word of God. She is mistaken, I think, to do this, but I also think a great deal of her newfound psyche -- her devotion to being a good person who helps others through what she perceives to be a real spiritual power -- depends on this Jesus Christ notion being 100 precent true as the Bible recounts it.

In other words, she is wrong to push God on others despite the fact that this belief she so obstinately on others clearly has helped HER a great deal.

We, as the BN, need to acknowledge that this notion of Jesus Christ has helped Unicorn immensely. We should be happy that a lost person found meaning in her life. I celebrate this. We also need to remain open to the possibility that the same path could, conceivably, help others as well even though these others may not know it or want to accept it.

At the same time -- and this is crucial -- unicorn needs to lay off and realize that her own beliefs need not rely on concurrence from others. The notion of Jesus Christ obviously has done wonders for her, and she should remain confident in the power behind Jesus without resorting to a desperate quest to find legitmacy in Jesus by forcing others to agree with her.

posted by BrWiSk on December 24, 2003 at 7:09 AM | link to this | reply

unicorn I would like to ask you a question seriously
Why do you think you are always in the middle of these controversies? I would just be curious why so many people choose to take you to task...I know my reasons for trying to be involved in debate with you but what is your perspective on why so many argue with you?  

posted by gomedome on December 23, 2003 at 9:44 PM | link to this | reply

If you all have such distaste
and disdain for the "unnamed blogger", why not stop reading her blogs?
Or possibly go read some of her other blogs that are not necessarily geared toward "religion"? Or maybe you should confront her directly rather than trying to be "pretensious". Or maybe you could get to know her better before you judge her.

posted by PastorB on December 23, 2003 at 9:35 PM | link to this | reply

The blogger you are all nicely not naming has one major problem--she suffers from bigotry. She recently condemned the Mormons for, essentially, worshiping the devil; she recently jumped on another blogger, claiming that Christians invented democracy (Wow...guess Plato and Aristotle will be pleased to know that!); she has covered herself over in dogma and intolerance, and as much as I care for her (as a person), I find her reasoning so specious as to be impossible to grasp. Get one end of its flying, fluttering, tattered end in your grasp and another wrenches free, to whip in the winds of irrationality.

This blogger, I feel, is afraid. Like all fundamentalists are, she huddles in her self-imposed darkness, and then demands we all huddle with her. (And we all know what happens when folks refuse to huddle with fundies: they get bombs dropped on their heads, burned on a cross at a KKK rally, or a bullet through their skulls.) Understand this, give her her due, then walk away. Her education has failed her...utterly.


posted by ShawnMichel on December 23, 2003 at 6:55 PM | link to this | reply

Strange, too...
You know...I don't get it.  She complimented me for my blog on Religious Oppression...and she turns around and does the very same thing.  Isn't that kind of...two faced as all hell?  *confused*

posted by SaorlaFey on December 22, 2003 at 3:39 PM | link to this | reply

That's all I can say to the blog you are referring to.  I've seen the title but refuse to read the blog.  The thing can we prove anything by written word when her precious religion systematically destroyed anything of pagan origin forcing us to teach and learn by word of mouth?  Now why does one destroy everything in such a way?  Fear...that's why.  I wonder what she'd have to say to that...

posted by SaorlaFey on December 22, 2003 at 3:21 PM | link to this | reply

Very good post kooka_lives

I don't know what caused me to get involved in the debate you speak of ( if you can call it that ). Starting down a path of simple logic seemed to be the wrong approach with said blogger.....I won't make that mistake twice.

posted by gomedome on December 22, 2003 at 3:21 PM | link to this | reply

the bible is a great piece of literature. I however am Pagan, and fully agree with the fact that I DESPISE people who try to force thier religion on me.

posted by Pezz on December 22, 2003 at 3:17 PM | link to this | reply