Comments on Hey, Repugs! Make my day and pull the plug! Your "slavery game" dies!

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Re: Re: To set the record straight

I am not a Republican, but a Populist. George Bush is not "my man".

The Democrats never switched course, only their tactics and spin. Instead of keeping their slaves down on the plantation, they keep them down in the welfare office, dependent on entitlements. Like I said, the Democrats have always been the party of slavery and always will be.

Not that the Republicans are much better, mind you. Their party has sold out their principles for the Presidency so many times, starting with the memory of the Civil War still fresh, that it is a wonder that there are still Republicans out there that aren't Democratic retreads or Dixiecrats "in drag", to use your expression. But there are, as evidenced by the moderate vote which comes out of the woodwork to challenge the myth of Republicanism being conservative.

There is no one in the political landscape who I find the least appealing and you referred to a couple of reasons why. First, I resent the constant call to panic and partisan self-righteousness, from both the Democratic and the Republican Party. Second, I have opposed automobile culture and development for a long time -- I believe I had some small part in John Anderson advocating a 50 cent gasoline tax -- so Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" and auto industry bailouts disgust me as much the Republican Party's support of highway construction and reckless drilling.

What I would like to see is local business, local government and local currency. I advocate municipal medical departments and doctor training while seeking the abolition of ALL health insurance, both public and private. I call for an end to the "Treasuries" debt instruments and a return of the greenbacks, United States Notes. I call for the abolition of that most pernicious of financial devices: the mortgage loan.

This is just a start but, as you can plainly see, there is not one candidate for President who has suggested anything of the kind and certainly not  a single member of Congress who can be even remotely described as my ally. As far as I am concerned we should flush both the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress and the White House straight down the toilet. I refuse to be selective about who gets flushed because there is no positive reason to do so and the Democrats, in particular, supply enough partisan viciousness, arrogance and overall obnoxiousness as well as enough hypocritical posturing of the "Who, Me?" variety to give ample reason not to exempt any of that sorry lot from a general disposal.

On second thought, they shouldn't be flushed so much as dumped into a composting toilet. As Strindberg put it: "that flowers can grow from filth".

posted by cpklapper on October 14, 2011 at 2:12 PM | link to this | reply

Re: To set the record straight
You sound like "a Republican in drag" to me. Take a shot with a lie and see what happens. Any one with basic political knowledge knows that the parties officiallyswitched courses after the civil war. But "Republicans in drag" with their hands wandering under the public bathroom stall dividers, don't care about how much they have to lie. That is the true religion of Republicans. "Stick with the lie" is your Repug's highest motto.

I've got a question for you. Where did your boy George Bush put our fighter jets on 9-11-01? The investigation reports say Commander in Chief George Bush's NORAD refused to put fighters in the air for more than an hour. How cowardly was that?Or, was it actually cowardly or did he fail to protect us on purpose? Google the best documentary in history at "Loose Change 9-11." It will put your Repugs in their place, once and for all!

Flush the Republicans in Congress straight down the toilet and we wipe your "just say no to survival" obsession out of political existence. But anyway, coklapper, when "Georgie and you Repugs" finally petro-poison this planet out of existence, you will be found staring up at the ceiling, too! Hopefully not "in drag" with your hand under the public restroom divider, at the time, again.

posted by Tahoe_Red_Dog on September 12, 2011 at 9:42 AM | link to this | reply

To set the record straight

The Democratic Party is and will always be the party of slavery. The Republicans shame is in giving up their principles to win the White House. That was how Reconstruction ended and the same play is running over and over again.

Of course, neither party has any sense. Hopefully, we will have a party-free Congress and an independent President before the partisan nonsense completely destroys the country.

posted by cpklapper on August 22, 2011 at 9:47 AM | link to this | reply

time to send in the Smurf Brigade.

posted by Kabu on July 29, 2011 at 2:03 PM | link to this | reply